Sunday, April 5, 2009
hormone, endocrine system
Hormone Endokrin & System DEFINITION Endokrin system consists of a group of organs (sometimes referred to as the internal gland sekresi), which is its main function is the result and release hormones directly into the bloodstream. Hormones play a role as a message to coordinate the various organs of the body. Endocrine Main organs of the system is endokrin: # Hipotalamus # Hipofisa gland # Tiroid gland # Paratiroid gland # Islands pancreas # Adrenal gland # Fruit cock # Ovary. During pregnancy, plasenta also act as an endocrine. Hipotalamus release a number of hormones that stimulate hipofisa; some of which trigger the release hipofisa hormones and hormone yanglainnya press release hipofisa. Gland gland hipofisa sometimes called authorities because hipofisa coordinate various functions of other endocrine. Some hipofisa hormones have direct effects, a few other simple speed control hormone release by other organs. Hipofisa control the speed of delivery through hormonnya own feedback mechanism, where the degree endokrin other hormones in the blood to give a signal to the hipofisa to slow or accelerate the release hormonnya. Not all are under the endocrine control hipofisa; give some response, either directly or indirectly, to the concentration of oxygen-oxygen in the blood: # Sel-cells in the pancreas produce insulin to give response to sugar and fatty acid Sel-sel # paratiroid to give response to calcium and phosphate # Medulla adrenal (part of the adrenal gland) to provide response to direct stimulation of the nervous system parasimpatis. Many organs that release hormones or hormone-like substances that, but usually not mentioned as part of the system endokrin. Some of the organ produces substances-substances that act only in the pelepasannya, while the other does not release products into the bloodstream. For example, the brain produces many hormones that effect mainly limited to the nervous system. System Endokrin Hormone Hormone is a substance that is released into the bloodstream from a gland or organ, that affect activity in the cells. Most hormones are proteins consisting of amino acid chain length with different. The rest is a steroid, the substance which is a fat derivat of cholesterol. Hormones in very small amounts can trigger the body's response is very knowledgeable. Reseptor hormone bound to the cell surface or in the cells. Association between hormone and reseptor akan speed, slow or alter cell function. Ultimately, hormones control the function of the organ as a whole: # Hormones control growth and development, Maintenance and sexual characteristics # How hormones affect the body in use and save energy # Hormone also controls the volume of fluid and salt and water content in the blood. Some hormones affect only 1 or 2 organs, while other hormones that affect the entire body. For example, the TSH produced by the gland and only hipofisa affect gland tiroid. While tiroid hormone produced by the gland tiroid, but these hormones affect cells throughout the body. Insulin is produced by cells and the pancreas affect sugar metabolism, protein and fat throughout the body. CONTROL ENDOKRIN If the endocrine function of the deviation, then the hormone level in the blood can be high or low, so that the body functions. Endokrin to control functions, the release of each hormone must be set in the borders of the right. Body need to feel from time to time if necessary in more or less hormones. Hipotalamus gland and hipofisa release hormonnya if they feel that the level of other hormones they control too high or too low. Hormone hipofisa ago into the bloodstream to stimulate activity in the target gland. If the target gland hormone content in the blood is adequate, then hipotalamus and gland hipofisa know that stimulation is not needed anymore and they stop hormone release. Feedback system is set up all the gland under the control hipofisa. Certain hormones under the control hipofisa have a function that has a specific schedule. For example, a cycle involving menstruasi women sekresi increased LH and FSH by hipofisa gland of each month. Hormone and estrogen in the ovary progesteron also measure the rise-down every month. Mechanism of control by certain hipotalamus and hipofisa against bioritmik this still can not understand. But clearly visible organ that provides such a response to biological minutes. Other factors also stimulate the formation of hormones. Prolaktin (issued by the hormone gland hipofisa) cause the gland in the breast produce susu susu. Suction the baby on the nipple to stimulate hipofisa more prolaktin. Suction the baby also increase the release oksitosin cause mengkerutnya channel susu susu can so that flowed to the mouth of the baby. Such islands pakreas gland and gland paratiroid, not under control hipofisa. They have their own system to experience what the body needs more or less hormones. For example, insulin content increased immediately after eating because the body must turn sugar from food. If the insulin level is too high, blood sugar will go down to very low. Hormone content varies based on other reasons that are less clear. Kortikosteroid degree and the highest growth hormone found in the morning and lowest in the twilight hours. The reason for this occurrence is not fully understood.
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